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Holi Around the World: Colors, Traditions, and Plant Inspirations

by Ritik Raj 15 Mar 2024 0 Comments

India is a country of festivals and celebrations; we celebrate every occasion.
One of the biggest festivals of them is Holi. A celebration to welcome spring, new leaves, and new blooms. Generally, it is celebrated in the southern part of Asia, but now it has reached other parts of the world as well. People from all over the globe know and celebrate this festival. Because of the joy, happiness, and positivity it brings. 

Holi across the world

It is an Indian festival, which is celebrated around the world. And with diverse people, the celebration of Holi also has become diverse. In India, 'Lathmar Holi' in the town of Barsana sees women playfully beating men with sticks, while 'Rangwali Holi' in Nepal transforms the streets into a riot of colours. In Bangladesh, 'Basanta Utsav' welcomes spring with vibrant processions and cultural performances, symbolizing the victory of good over evil. All of these are celebrating the same festival but in different ways. 

The Modern Eco-Friendly Holi

A huge part of this festival’s celebration includes the use of artificial, chemical-based colours, which leave a big impact on your skin and health. However, in recent years, people have become more and more aware of the effects of those colours. That is why they are choosing to celebrate this festival in eco-friendly, health-friendly and skin-friendly ways. They prefer plant-based colours made from natural sources like flowers, leaves and spices like turmeric. These natural colours are not just safe for you but for nature as well. 
eco-friendly oprganic holi color

Plant-Based Holi Feasts

The celebration of Holi is incomplete without enjoying the delicious delicacies that are popular during this festival season. In different parts of the country, people cook and eat various types of dishes. Some people enjoy sweet Gunjiyas and Thandai. Some people prefer more savoury dishes like various types of Pakoras and samosas. Many people also drink a special drink made of Bhang (hemp). 

The use of aromatic spices and seasonal fruits and all these foods to enjoy make this festival even better and celebratory. Through the food, we celebrate nature and its offerings. 

Planting the Seeds of Joy:

Holi is a festival to celebrate good over evil and welcome happiness and new beginnings. And its celebration should be as such. So, this Holi, enjoy the festivities with a natural twist and spreads joy with nature’s gifts. Celebrate the festival of colours in an eco-friendly way, by planting trees. Planting plants not only helps to restore natural balance, but also symbolises prosperity, renewal, and the arrival of spring. So, plant the seeds of joy with actual seeds.

Some plants for you to grow in your home:

The Money Plant: All-year growing plant, Money plant, comes in various types. Money plants are a beautiful plant with its green leaves in many shapes and sizes. It is an easy-to-care-for plant that brings positivity, prosperity and good luck, making it an ideal gift.
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The Lucky Bamboo: The bamboo plant commonly known lucky bamboo plant is another plant that is a great option to make part of your festivities. The bamboo plant is known to bring good vibes, positivity, and good luck.  It also holds a significant position in vastu shastra.
shop for the best lucky bamboo plant at ManBhawan Nursery

 Aloe Vera Plant: Aloe vera provides numerous benefits, making it one of the best plant options. The best part is that it requires very little care and maintenance. Aloe vera is also used as a calming and soothing lotion for your skin. So, if your skin gets irritated with colours you can use aloe vera to soothe your skin.
Grab the best aloe vera plant at very affordable price

There are also many flowering plants, like jasmine, marigold, petunia, Syngonium Pink, Dracaena Red Dwarf, English Rose plant etc. All of these spring plants bloom beautiful colourful flowers that add vibrancy and richness.


The festival of colours, Holi brings great joy and happiness with its colourful hues, tasty delicious food and snacks to enjoy. And adding nature’s colours can make this festival even more colourful. So, this Holi, celebrate the good, joy and positivity by adding some plants with colourful flowers. Shop these colourful plants from our Manbhawan Nursery colourful plants collection.

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